One-on-One Classes

One-on-One Classes allow for a customized learning experience with a Zygote Teaching Artist. Individuals can purchase hourly instruction to learn a specific printmaking technique and process, or to get help working on a specific project. One-on-one instruction can be tailored for all levels, from a complete novice to an advanced printmaker.

At $50 per hour ($37.50 per hour for members), you’ll get private instruction with an experienced printmaker and a print program designed to suit your specific needs, time frame and budget. $25 for each additional person, up to a total of 3 people. You can discuss with your instructor how long the project is likely to take before your first meeting.

Each printmaking medium will have various associated material costs that are not included in the hourly instruction fee. The costs vary based on the project proposal, printmaking medium, and number of prints the student artist plans to produce. Prospective student artists should expect to purchase paper, tools, inks, or other required materials specified by their Teaching Artist in advance of the 1 on 1 session. Teaching Artists will provide links to any materials that need to be purchased online. Some papers, plates, and inks may be purchased through Zygote’s Shop Store on the day of the workshop.

To sign up for a One-on-One Class, please fill out the form below and Zygote’s staff will match you with an instructor with the right area of printing expertise, based on your request and scheduling needs. Once this occurs, Zygote will give you your instructor’s contact information, and you can contact them directly to start scheduling your classes. 

Please allow up to 14 days processing time for your request.

If you have any questions please contact