Queer Histories: Zygote Press at the LGBT Center
Artist Reception: Friday, October 18, 5:30-7:30pm
Friday, November 8, 5:30-7:30pm - Print History Lecture: Blanche Lazzell and the “Independent Women” of Provincetown: Queerness and Networks of Printmaking - Presented by Zygote Senior Program Manager & Art Historian, Brittany M. Hudak
ON VIEW: October 1 - November 22, 2024
Queer Histories: Zygote Press is presented in honor of LGBT History Month. Celebrated annually in October, History Month coincides with National Coming Out Day (Oct 11) and the first march on Washington for gay rights (1979). The aim of LGBT History Month is to provide role models, build community and honor our extraordinary lineage.
This exhibition also celebrates the history of Zygote Press, a nonprofit community printmaking studio in Cleveland’s vibrant Asiatown neighborhood. For 28 years Zygote has been a safe haven for queer artists, offering support through residency programs, studio access, and artistic development in a collaborative environment open to all. Queer Histories: Zygote Press centers intergenerational queer artists who currently work at Zygote Press, including young emerging artists as well as established artists who have worked in the shop for many years.
The LGBT Center is located at 6705 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102